
Surprise Proposal Videography

Film — Videography, Proposal

Surprise Proposal Videography

Proposal Videography on Jemme Yacht Bali – R & J

Proposal Videography on Jemme Yacht Bali – R & J

It is the first time we have shot the surprise proposal videography on the top of Jemme’s yacht, Bali. It was so thrilling. We have to deal with the strong waves and winds. But fortunately, we could handle that very well.

The process is challenging. We must keep strong and stay creative for the couple, no matter what happens, as the proposal ideas were terrific.

Long story short, let’s jump right into their proposal video story.

The Proposal Videography on Jemme Yacht

That afternoon, the rain was falling all around Bali. We were so worried that the rain would ruin everything. And yet, the surprise proposal videography session must go on.

Above that, Rivaldo keeps on his plan to propose Jaquliene. No matter what, they crashed into the South Bali ocean waves.

With the organizer’s help, Rivaldo writes down the “Would You Marry Me?” sign on the yacht’s sail.

As he got down on his knee, the team opened the sail. Then Jaquliene looks out at the big text written on the sail. Surprise, surprise.

Of course, she said yes. Her tears fell. She can’t quite hold it. Indeed, everything goes into a heartfelt moment.

What an extraordinary proposal videography sessions they have in Bali.

Related Post: 

The Story Behind the Surprise Proposal in Bali

Rivaldo and Jaquliene have planned their wedding. But there’s one missing point. Oh well, they were not engaged just yet.

So by the time they were in Bali, Rivaldo had the plan to nail it.

He hires a professional event organizer, including us, as the videography team for his surprise proposal.

For him, it’s better late than never. But before it’s too late, you can take a look at our ultimate Bali wedding photography guide.

Final Words

If you are adventurous enough, then doing the surprise proposal videography with us on the top of the yacht is a great option.

Perhaps the bill will be much higher, but it’s all worth the magnificent experience you’ll get. If you need the casual chilling vibe, you can take a look at the engagement proposal in Cafe del Mar. We also have a proposal dinner in Ubud which is so wonderful.



Home » Film — Videography » Proposal Videography on Jemme Yacht Bali – R & J
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  1. novopet
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    Magnificent idea and it is duly


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